Partners, sponsors and donors
The current implementation of the Śpiewnik Niepodległości | Polish Independence Songbook project has been possible thanks to the support given, among others, by cultural institutions, non-governmental organizations and businesses.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
The mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to pursue the interests of the Republic of Poland through European and global cooperation for security, democracy and development. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a government agency providing comprehensive support to the minister competent for foreign affairs.
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego) is a governmental administration office concerned with various aspects of Polish culture. It was formed on 31 October 2005, from transformation of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Poland.

Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression
The Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression (Urząd do Spraw Kombatantów i Osób Represjonowanych) in the main institution in the Government of Poland to deal with the issues of Polish veterans of struggles for independence and victims of oppression.

National Institute of Music and Dance
The National Institute of Music and Dance (Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca) is a state-run cultural institution in Poland. The Institute’s basic mission is to support the development of music and dance culture in Poland. It also administers ministry programmes.

Grupa LOTOS S.A.
On August 1st 2022, Grupa Lotos S.A. was merged into and became part of the ORLEN Group. Company engaged in the extraction of crude oil and natural gas. It owns one of the most modern European refineries located in Gdańsk, where the raw material is processed into high-quality fuels.

The Zygmunt Łazarski Public Library in Mokotów District, Warsaw
A cultural institution with legal personality whose mission is, among others, to supporting the cultural and social education of the residents of the Mokotów District and striving for the highest level in the collection, development, sharing and storage of collections and in the field of user service.

Stowarzyszenie Wolnego Słowa
The association was founded in 2003. The aim of the Association is collecting, elaborating, commemorating and disseminating historical and literary testimonies related to the activities of the democratic opposition in the years 1976-1989 and the issue of freedom of speech.

The National Freedom Institute – Centre for Civil Society Development
The National Freedom Institute – Centre for Civil Society Development (Narodowy Instytut Wolności – Centrum Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego) is an institution responsible for supporting civil society, public benefit activities and volunteering. It was established in October 2017 on the initiative of Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Gliński, chairman of the Public Benefit Committee. Thanks to the NIW subsidy under the PROO5 program, water was supplied, the damaged electrical installation was restored at the seat of the Heritage of the Republic Foundation and a means of transport was purchased. One of the NIW-CRSO programs is the Program for the Development of Civic Organizations for 2018-2030 PROO, the purpose of which is to provide direct support for the development of Polish civic organizations.
Polish Radio
Polish Radio (Polskie Radio Spółka Akcyjna) is Poland’s national public-service radio broadcasting organization owned by the State Treasury of Poland. Polskie Radio was founded on 18 August 1925 and began making regular broadcasts from Warsaw on 18 April 1926. Polskie Radio also operates 17 regional radio stations.

Comprehensive IT consulting services for business and non-governmental organizations as well as digital project management. Signiroad experts create and implement Internet product development strategies and help in obtaining funding and preparing applications for grant competitions and grant programs.

BM Productions
Music production, implementation and technical support for concerts, conferences, events and many other events that require an appropriate audio-visual setting. BM Productions also provides sound and lighting for large outdoor events. The company provides realization and production services for music recordings in and outside the studio.

Weasel Company
The company specializes in the design of IT systems, configuration and infrastructure, both based on cloud and classic solutions. Weasel Company provides consulting services in the selection of the most optimal solutions conditioned by the specificity of the project, its assumptions and budget.